
In Year 7 & 8, students learn in a homeroom. Whilst there remains a focus on Literacy and Numeracy foundations, students are given the opportunity to foster their curiosity in a range of specialist subjects from Science Laboratory to Cooking.
Being in a homeroom allows teachers and students to focus on whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building). Teachers specialise in the needs of pre-adolescents and the transition from Primary to Secondary schooling.
Inquiry based learning gives our Year 7 & 8 learners a sense of ownership for their own learning. Learning experiences are authentic and meaningful and give learners every opportunity to take action in their local and wider community.
All students continue to build on the foundations of Literacy and Numeracy . They enjoy specialist science teaching, preparing students for the specialist Chemistry, Biology and Physics areas in Year 12 & 13.
Te Reo/ Te Ao Māori
All students in Years 7-10 will learn Te Reo/ Te Ao Māori. At Aparima College we recognise Māori as the Tangata Whenua of Aotearoa New Zealand and support all students to participated and protect Māori as equal Treaty Partners.
Taster Courses
Students experience a range of taster courses throughout Year 7-10 including Woodwork/Construction, Food Technology, Agriculture (Year 9/10), Digital and Visual
Communication, German (Year 9/10).
Health and PE
Students enjoy a comprehensive Health and PE programme this includes lessons and opportunities to engage with sport specific coaches and health professionals.
Social Sciences